

The development of NeoStrata Skin Care Range focuses mainly on the field of dermatology. Their achievements comes from 50 years’ research and experience in developing dermaceutical products, which have granted them many international awards. The name translates to “new layers”, two words that perfectly describe their philosophy that visible results come from renewing layers of the skin.

The discovery of the profound benefits of Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) on the skin in 1074 by Dr Yu and Dr Van Scott, sets in motion a reputation for discovery and innovation in skincare that continues today. These products are highly effective in the improvement of ageing, sun damage, acne, dry skin hyperkeratosis as well as hyperpigmentation. NeoStrata is only available at aesthetic doctors, Dermatologists and plastic surgeons. Furthermore, they are the first to patent AHA and PHA, and have over 100 patents. No other patent and technology, can surpass these products to meet the needs of every skin type. 

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